what are the remaining macronutrients made up of?!!

So my total carbs for a day was 141g, but the breakdown of those carbs added up to 118G - what is the remaining made up of? I need to create a pie chart so this leaves a large % gap of unexplained carbs breakdown?
It's also the same for Protein and fats?!


  • davidxc
    edited April 2024
  • Davidxc - not sure I can see your response - can you help?

  • It seems like the forum is having issues on mobile.

    I was only asking if you see the same issue when clicking/tapping/hovering on the carbs.

  • The Sugar, Starch, Fiber amounts never add up to the total Carbohydrate for any one day, wherever I view them.

    Same for Fats and Protein. Protein seems to be the worst. Example, one day my protein intake was 135g - Amino Acid breakdown added up to just 41.3g?!

  • davidxc
    edited April 2024

    My understanding is that the sugar, starch, fiber, etc. numbers only show up if the nutrition facts they’re derived from specify the types of carbs they are. Not all foods specify them.

    So I’m asking if you see the same mismatch if you actually tap on the “carbs” value — not just view the breakdown. For me, I also need to click on “view More“. I don’t know what platform you are on, but on iOS, it will actually bring up a full list of every food that the carbs are attributed to. Even if it didn’t specify what kind of carb/protein.

  • Ah ok, so its perhaps that food I have entered, the breakdown is not available for that food. Because yes, I can see which macronutrient is attributed to each food, but perhaps the macronutrient sub groups are not available. Shame ,but that would suggest why the stats don't add up, thank you