Welcome To The Cronometer Community
Join over 10 million users who are using Cronometer to track their health and nutrition. If you have a technical question, bug report, feature request or just need some motivation, the community is here to help.
Category List
Help getting started using the Cronometer app.471 discussions 1.4K comments Most recent: Can we add a nutritional value to our food diary when Cronometer does not include it? by TomEwald September 29
Using Cronometer to lose weight and other weight management goals216 discussions 1.3K comments Most recent: So should I get more aggressive in calorie counting. by Ocmacman 5:50PM
Area for Beta Testers Updates310 discussions 1.2K comments Most recent: Is DexcomG6 integration available in Canada? by emilwri September 23
715 discussions 2.1K comments Most recent: Bug - Beta - Mobile app returns search Index error on add food to diary after update to ios 18.0.1 by kdplaskon October 10
Ask a Cronometer expert626 discussions 1.9K comments Most recent: Does the Ice Hockey exercise category account for player shifts? by brobell33 September 17