Welcome To The Cronometer Community
Join over 10 million users who are using Cronometer to track their health and nutrition. If you have a technical question, bug report, feature request or just need some motivation, the community is here to help.
Category List
Place for first time users of the forums
504 discussions 1.5K comments Most recent: Duplicated Entries via Polar (w/Dif Calories) by Kadex November 2023
16 discussions 44 comments Most recent: Is anyone else here following Keto or low-carb? by kellybmarks February 14
35 discussions 42 comments Most recent: Calculating calorie percentage of macronutrients by Kathyb10 March 16
Using Cronometer to lose weight and other weight management goals
217 discussions 1.3K comments Most recent: Slim Margin for Error + Feature Request by budkatu March 20
549 discussions 1.8K comments Most recent: Understated calories, overstated exercise burned Kcals by thistle_dave March 21
Area for Beta Testers Updates
316 discussions 1.2K comments Most recent: Custom energy expenditure value overwritten by kdplaskon March 21
733 discussions 2.1K comments Most recent: New recipes won't show up in add food by AB_Student March 20
Nutrition and Weight Goal Challenges
89 discussions 499 comments Most recent: Why do my “Calories Consumed” not seem to match the grams consumed under my “Macronutrient Targets”? by Seir November 2023