Welcome To The Cronometer Community
Join over 10 million users who are using Cronometer to track their health and nutrition. If you have a technical question, bug report, feature request or just need some motivation, the community is here to help.
Category List
14 discussions 40 comments Most recent: looking for wheelchair users or others who have a muscle deficit, that makes it particularly by firesfate December 15
Having problems using cronometer? Can't figure something out? Ask here1K discussions 2.4K comments Most recent: Where can I locate in my acct when my current subscription ends? by davevarga December 21
Using Cronometer to lose weight and other weight management goals217 discussions 1.3K comments Most recent: How many people on here are on the keto diet? by kellybmarks November 29
General nutrition discussion536 discussions 2.3K comments Most recent: Advice on buying my first wearable device by Evislony December 13
Feature Requests for Cronometer1.6K discussions 4.3K comments Most recent: Can multiple biometrics with the same unit be shown in a single chart? by lwright December 18
540 discussions 1.8K comments Most recent: How do I enter exercise information like # of reps, weight amount? by Suelneit December 21
Area for Beta Testers Updates311 discussions 1.2K comments Most recent: [Bug] Adding unidentified images under Add Food 'processing' did not work in the beta by keithah December 10
Nutrition and Weight Goal Challenges94 discussions 516 comments Most recent: How to display current weight on dashboard? by g6678 December 19
Ask a Cronometer expert630 discussions 1.9K comments Most recent: Nutrient deficit whilst on Carnivore diet by g6678 December 19