
Interested in content on biohacking, wellness, the brain, aging, nutrition, sleep, macronutrient cycling, meditation and mindfulness? Follow my youtube channel (Dr. Hill) to learn tons of tips and tricks across a range of biohacking strategies. I'll be sharing strategies I use with my brain performance clients, as well as my experience with new biohacks. I also have a podcast on that YouTube channel and directly via regular podcast outlets, Head First with Dr. Hill. These are interviews with some of my favorite thought leaders, wellness professionals, biohackers, entrepreneurs, and people making a difference. [Subscribe to my YouTube channel](http://www.youtube.com/drhill, & hit the notification bell to get updates! For Q4 2020, I'll be using Cronometer with several devices that integrate to track my journey to get "Fit by 50", documenting how I integrate strategies like alternate day fasting and macronutrient cycling to support change.


  • Not much happening here, yet.