
Incorrect information about a beverage

Hi. I just happened to be looking up the info on a soda & was on the Pepsi official website, looking to see how much potassium was in it & it caught my eye that Diet Mountain Dew has 75 mg of potassium. I had been under the impression, from Cronometer that the potassium amount is much lower, so I looked it up on Cronometer & it shows 7.1 mg for the same size serving. That's less than 1/10 of the amount there actually is! I know I can "edit a copy" for my own uses, but this is VERY important for someone with kidney disease (as in, it COULD kill someone if they drank it regularly thinking it was low potassium!) I can't find any way to report inaccuracies. Is there a way to do that?

EDITED: OF course, as soon as I hit save, I found where you can report it. LOL


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    Hi @genie86333 thanks for your report! I have looked into it and they certainly are different!
    I have added the details from the website to a new food listing which can be found listed under CRDB food "Diet Mountain Dew" (Food #7678834). It appears there are many different formulation for Dient Mountain dew, based on the number of different packagings with different values I can already see listed in our database. Unfortunately, many companies do have different formulations, so this can happen. We will contact the NCCDB about the value listed here, but do note, that as a result of different formulations, it may be difficult to pin down an exact value.
    The nutrient values for NCCDB foods come from the Nutrient Coordinating Center. Here is a link to our sources and where you can learn more about them:
    In general, the NCC conducts repeated analysis on a food throughout the year to get an average value for each nutrient, or finds these values in peer-reviewed sources. Our licensing agreement prevents us from making changes to these foods, but if you would like to use values from your sources, you could create a custom food, or edit a copy of the NCCDB food.

    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

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