Why does my Cronometer not show any omega 3 in salmon roe?
When I put salmon roe, in no omega 3 value is shown. I know salmon roe has omega 3 as well as salmon. Why isn’t this showing up and how can I fix it? It’s messing up my ratio.
Best Answer
There are multiple salmon roes in the database. It seems that only some of them list omega 3. Try "Roe, King Salmon"
Perfect. Thank you very much.
depending on the data source, some nutrients might not be listed. Products that haven't been analyzed by NCCDB and USDA, have nutrition labels that only include a very basic set of nutrients mandated by law. We are not a lab and do not test foods for their nutrient content, and can only provide the information that is available to us from the manufacturer.
You can learn more about how to choose the best data for your needs here: https://cronometer.com/blog/6-tips-getting-nutrition-data/
Learn more about our data sources here: https://cronometer.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018239472-Data-SourcesHilary
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