
New release Cronometer Beta v3.3.7 (b605)

edited March 2020 in Beta Testing

We've got something new for you!

This beta release is very exciting as it includes our brand new food editor! Check it out while creating a custom food, or editing or editing a copy of an existing food.

We are please to now be able to offer in the food editor:
-Support for different label types
-Ability to enter kJ for European and Aus label types
-Ability to enter multiple serving sizes for your foods.

Included in this release are also a couple of bug fixes surrounding charts, please play around with it, and let us know if you have any questions, or suggestions, and definitely if you find any bugs!

You can learn more about the Food editor in our Beta testers' user manual: https://cronometer.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040814571

Thanks again for helping us out! You guys are the best!

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