Keto Mojo pairing error

I have trouble connecting Cronometer with my Keto Mojo cloud - everything is fine up to the point where I confirm to give the permission to get the data. - any suggestions ?
Having the same problem. Looks like the integration doesn't work, will contact support.
After today’s update I was able to successfully pair my Keto Mojo. And Apple health integration has been fixed too. Great work!
Thanks @micro and Cronometer team.
Noticed Keto Mojo integration disconnected on 31st January without any notification.
Reconnected but still missing data.
Tried Settings > Devices > Update > Backfill but still missing.
Turned out Keto Mojo app on my phone had also logged out without warning.
Logged in to Keto Mojo on phone and tried backfill again, still nothing.
Disconnected device from Cronometer, connected again, and backfill again. Finally I have Keto Mojo readings in Cronometer.