One-Time Food Add Option
sometimes I eat at a cafeteria and they provide you with kcal/carbs/protein/fat information. I figured there is for sure an option to add a one-time food.
Something like:
Add food => one time food => type on kcal/carbs/protein/fat => add
or (not exclusive)
Add food => one time food => add ingredientst => add
I mean there are so many times where you cook something and just wanna freestyle it or whatever. I never cook by recepie.
Apparently there isn't such a feature? The more I think about it, the more I want it.
I literally can't add my food now without spending 10minutes to create a recepie, guessing what ingredients they took and get to the provided information. That's just fk'd.
A commitment of appreciation is all together for the data. I will endeavor to figure it out for extra.