Serving size screwed up when cloning (copying) custom foods

I'm actually not certain if this issue is just the beta or if it's in the release version too.

Whenever I try to copy a custom food to make changes to it (using the Save a Copy option), the dropdown for the serving size still contains the previous size as well as the new.

As an example, here's a Starbucks Iced Hazelnut Oatmilk Shaken Espresso that I tried to modify from the Venti (24 oz) version to the Grande (16 oz). After changing the Serving Name, the "Nutrition Displayed per" box now shows "24 16 oz" with no way to fix it.

This happens every time I try to use an existing food to make a new one.


  • Hey!

    I think the issue here is this food is a volume measurement. Since there is no 'gram' amount associated with it, we can not calculate what a 16oz serving size would be. So in this example, if you add 680g for a 24 oz serving size, you can then add a 16oz serving size with 453g. This will then change the kcal etc, appropriately.
    We have added support for volumetric serving sizes, but you need to submit this food to us so we can update the food to handle volume measurement.

    Let me know if you have any questions!