My numbers seem all wrong.

this app is starting to be quite difficult to enter and setup info. I have been using for about a month and may not co to use paying for the gold. I need something easier where I can just put in how many calories want to eat that day, select my food and have my apple health info download. Not sure if the numbers in here are trustworthy. Check this out on my screen capture


  • I'm not seeing this type of discrepancy in the app, but I'd start by checking my Macro Targets. For example, I shoot for 30%P, 48%C, 22%F. This is calculated against a per day calorie goal of ~1900. If your goal Macros in the view (50g, 22g, 7g) then you will show well over when you consume above that. If you targeted 45%C, 30%P, 25%F for example, then the right side of that report would show as 450gP, 675gC, 375g F and your consumption would be well under the macro target.

  • PAV8888
    edited October 16

    Your screen shot shows that:

    a) you've eaten very little for the day (about 760 Cal) relatively to what you've burned (2250 Cal). Which means that you still have room to eat a lot more (740 Cal) and still end up with an estimated ~750 Cal deficit. If you do maintain a daily 750 Cal deficit for an appreciable length of time you are likely to find yourself losing about 1.5lbs a week

    b) you've manually entered macro targets in grams. You made an error when you were entering them as the total calories that correspond to the macros you've entered come up to about 350 Cal a day... which is an unreasonably low intake.