Humbly requesting different types of fruit and vege have their own entries

Food intolerances affect ~1/4 people, all to individual degrees, but for some of us we really need to differentiate between the different types of product/fruit/vegetable. I realise it's probably a lot of work for a small group of people but for example, for me, the difference between eating a white peach at 30g and a yellow peach at 30g could mean a day of diarrhoea and pain or not. I'm sure the kj might be close enough but for various reasons, they could be in very different food categories completely.

Not all foods have this issue but enough that I've noticed. Or if that doesn't work, a way to note things for each entry? Especially for store bought products, that would be great if the barcode doesnt show up and I'm using a comparable entry. I'm can't be the only forgetful person on here that needs to track for fodmaps/food intolerances.