
grams vs % of carbs

I'm confused about this setting. My diary page says I'm getting 25% of my carbs which is 219 calories. But how many grams is that? Supposedly I should be getting 40 grams of carbs per day. How do I convert that?
Thanks. Sharonia


  • Options

    There are a number of different percentages and gram amounts listed for users with different requirements. You should use the one most applicable to you.

    The percentages listed within the "Total Macronutrient Breakdown" bar graphic indicate the percentage of your goal that you have reached.
    The Circle Graph to the right of this is measuring the Number of Calories of each nutrient you have eaten as a fraction of the Total amount of Calories you have consumed.
    The percentage listed in the Calories Summary graph is also measuring the Number of Calories of each nutrient you have eaten as a fraction of the Total amount of Calories you have consumed.

    You can view the total number of grams consumed of each macro in the Complete Macronutrient breakdown graphic. If this is not visible, select the gear icon in the top right corner of the Calories Summary section of your diary page and make sure the box is checked next to "Show full Macronutrient Breakdown".

    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

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