Some issues with the site and app..
- In the web site, when one hovers the mouse over the target bar, the "Top contributors" window pops up, however when using a touch input it becomes impossible to read that content because as soon as the window shows up it's immediately dismissed.
A simple fix would be to bring the pop up in the click event and let the user dismiss it by clicking outside the window. The hover event would still work when using a mouse so the addition wouldn't break the current design.
In the app:
In the nutrients summary view -> tapping a nutrient -> Top contributors list is displayed -> pressing the back button leads to the top of the view and, if all the categories are expanded, it gets very annoying to scroll down and find the place one had left at. It would be nice to go back and be able to resume the browsing from the same place.
Also in the summary view, the only way to go back to the diary is by pressing the phone's back button, which can be uncomfortable to reach with the thumb when using the phone with one hand. On the top right corner there's the "Settings" button, which is not something one uses very often. That place is the easiest to reach and should be designated to the most frequent action, which in that view should correspond to a "Back" button, given that it's the logical action to happen next after reading the content.
When in the other sections of the app (Foods, Trends, Profile), pressing the back button causes the app to close rather than going back to the diary view, which is the intuitive expected behavior. The diary is the entry view, from there one goes to everywhere else, so pressing the back button should take the user back through the same activities stack the user followed but in the opposite order before quitting the app.
A similar problem in the forum: when entering a discussion, pressing the back button takes the user three steps backwards, to the view that starts with "Find your answers here", instead of the sub-section index.
love the time stamp Beta.
I'm getting a similar issue - Samsung G6-App
When entering a food into the diary..
food search works properly. Once I click the appropriate food, the"enter item" box jumps up beyond the visible screen. If I touch the screen to scroll it down into view, the box disappears. So i can't use the App to enter foods as it stands now. Good luck with the bug fixes. I know it's a tough job. Thx -
Hi @OptiMystic2, would you mind sending a screenshot of the issue you are experiencing to I'd like to look into this for you!
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@IAmAgainst thanks for the feedback; we will take your comments under review! Would you mind specifying on which pages exactly close the app out when selecting the back button? Any of the pages found in the bottom dashboard (including diary, trends, foods and profile) are 'base' pages.
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Hi Hilary, Sorry we've been in the mountains with low service so in just seeing your note. I'll repeat the issue and pop you an example.
Big clarification... I said "app", but later realized I was in Chrome using desktop view. My phone storage is maxed out, so i can't install the app at the moment. Same issue persists with the enter food box. Screen shot tomorrow. Thx -
@OptiMystic2 No worries! I've been out playing in the mountains too
Thanks for clarifying that you have been using the desktop version. This is a known bug, that the search dialogue closes when you select outside of it! I'll be sure to let you know when the issue is resolved!
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Ok, great