Won’t save when editing - closes app when I go options and saves nothing - what to do?
Just purchased the Gold Version up front and am disappointed to see that there is very little foods in there other than American stuff. Don’t seem to be able to Edit any of the names even that are in the system. When doing my own foods/recipes am unable to edit them - says choose option then save but when I choose options the app completely closes out leaving none of the changes? Also wish to put in my water each day as millitres and convert to grams as is required but no mls. Doesn’t seem as if much work has gone into this app. What could be a great app has lots of loop holes. What to do?
You're right; Cronometer is Complicated - But Nutrition is complicated as well and as such needs a tool to manage even the most complex cases. It's a steep learning curve, but once you get used to it, Cronometer can be a very powerful tool to help you with your health goals! Have a look at our resources online to learn more. If you are just starting out, I would recommend having a look at our Youtube Channel, specifically,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzyHZ2Y1mU&index=1&list=PLwVXgmubuwgJrxhZXqfs-Wv4tSCwUyeIV and the FAQ page: https://cronometer.com/help/misc/faq.jsp
If you do find an issue with one of the foods' data, you can report it to our team and we will rectify it. If you find a bug with the software we will also respond to you promptly and help to get it fixed! If you have suggestions to make the app better, we would love to hear them! Some of our biggest features have come from user suggestion!
I would love to learn more about the issue you are seeing with saving recipes! Is this happening on your mobile device or on the web version of Cronometer? Could you send some screenshots to support@cronometer.com?
Have a look at this blog post https://cronometer.com/blog/6-tips-getting-nutrition-data/ to learn more about choosing the best data for your purposes, and as I mentioned in another forum thread, you can always save a copy and add in your own units for easier use!
Remember, we are here to answer your questions and our small team is working hard to help you reach your health goals!
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:
https://forums.cronometer.com/discussion/27/governing-terms-and-disclaimer -
Hilary Thankyou for your reply however I am not so much as finding the app complicated but rather has bugs. I send pics via email but as yet no reply. There are three things that is having me not be able to put in the foods I would like in there.
If you can answer the issues that would be good but as yet no answers. I am wanting to put in Filtered Water as what is in there is not any of the brands etc. when adding the water or some of the Superfoods the list of categories has nothing that covers WATER or SUPERFOODS.
Then when trying to add any food via the Scan there is nowhere to save only CANCEL on the Left or SKIP on the Right. I am using the app I paid for on iPad Pro. Have downloaded it a couple of times but the result is the same.
When I do add a Food and press Save fine it saves what is there - but as soon as I wish to edit the OPTIONS does not come up with SAVE but a blank screen comes up and the app has closed out. This information was sent with pics via email so look forward to having the App workable on my iPad. Kind Regards. R
Hi @Rhonda when you scan a new food that is not included our database, you will be asked to take two photos, then save them and add a bit of information before our staff can add it to the database. Is the save button not visible on your screen?
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:
https://forums.cronometer.com/discussion/27/governing-terms-and-disclaimer -
Ah Hilary Thankyou very much for that. As my iPad Pro is always used in landscape mode it does not show up only when I took it off lock and had in portrait did the rest show up as per your pic. Once I went save it opened the place where you add all the info? Thought this was why I was scanning in so I then got an email when ready?
Hi Rhonda,
We will look in to fixing the landscape mode on the tablet! Thanks for catching that!
Taking the pictures help us to add the food to the database. It is not required that you enter all the information found on the label, however if you add all the information yourself, you can use it as a custom food until we get around to entering it into the database. We have hundreds of food labels submitted to us every day, so we may not be able to enter it into the database immediately, in which case it will be nice for you to have the custom food on hand to use in the meantime.
If you choose 'email me when label as been processed' we will send you an email to let you know when the submission has been added to our public database.
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:
https://forums.cronometer.com/discussion/27/governing-terms-and-disclaimer -
Thankyou Hilary. As yet haven’t seen where you addressed the problem with once saving a Custom food Cronometer does not seem to allow me to Edit it then Save it. I read that you go to options then choose save but once I touch options the app closes out all together without all my changes or additions. Perhaps I sent this with pics via email. Haven’t had a thorough search for it as yet. What to do? Many thanks for your reply Hilary
Hi Rhonda, You can save edits to a custom food by selecting the save button at the top of your page.
If you would like to edit a food that is currently in our public database, choose 'Edit a copy from the settings menu:
Then, you will be directed to a new food labeled with [Copy] marked at the end of the original name. Here you are welcome to edit serving sizes and any other information.
Have a look at this blog post for choosing the best nutrition data for your purposes! https://cronometer.com/blog/6-tips-getting-nutrition-data/
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:
https://forums.cronometer.com/discussion/27/governing-terms-and-disclaimer -
Ok problem remain Hilary see pics - sent via email as cannot see where to add pics.
Ah Hilary the pics you have posted are for the online version - I'm using the app on the iPad Pro - what i sent is what is happening there. Many thanks R
Oops, sorry for the misunderstanding, Rhonda! Editing a custom food is not an available feature on ipad at this time. We are aware of this issue and I will let you know when we have fixed the problem! (I have emailed you about this as well
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:
https://forums.cronometer.com/discussion/27/governing-terms-and-disclaimer -
thankyou Hilary