
Nutrition not added unless custom recipe exploded

I have a custom recipe for the supplements I take every day. There seems to be a bug in that adding the recipe to my diary does not add the nutrients from my supplements unless I explode the recipe.

I wonder if it's because the recipe has no macronutrients? My other recipes seem to work OK.


  • Options

    Hi @sweetramona
    Issues like this can usually be boiled down to serving size discrepancies. Check your recipe to ensure that your ingredients either ALL have a serving size with grams, or NONE have a serving size with grams.
    Then, ensure your serving size is set to one full recipe.
    Please contact support@cronometer.com if this does not resolve your issue, so that we can look into your account specifics.

    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

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