What is the History of Cronometer?

Hello, I'm just curious about the development history of Cronometer. Could someone give us a backgrounder about this. Who, What, When, Where, etc. Are the original developers still fully involved? CRON stands for Calorie Restriction (on) Optimal Nutrition which might imply someone was interested in Dr. Roy Walford's research and life extension ideas.

Best Answers

  • I was looking in the Begin Here section and found in the Introductions Topic this post:

    Howdy Folks!
    I'm Aaron Davidson, and I started cronometer as a personal hobby back in 2005, and then later turned it into a small side business that has slowly grown over the years into what it is today -- a full time endeavour with our small team of 9 great companions.
    Health goals:
    I'm in my late 30's and trying to stay fit and improve my body composition and fitness levels. For the first time in my life, I've started modest weight training and am working on building a wee bit of muscle and dropping the last bit of pudge around the middle that my 30's bestowed upon me.
    I'm very interested in metabolic science, fasting, calorie restriction, and ketogenic diets.
    Aaron Davidson


  • @Aaron

    Most business start ups once successful, get the attention of big cooperate America for acquisition and ultimately generate big bucks for the owner(s), as well as glamourous CEO position.. This is when things go on a speedy customer-downhill spiral !! Herein lies the weakness of the capitalist system à la U.S. of A.

    Best regards, Aaron, when this happens count me out, since I will be migrating to a new startup competitor.

    This has been the story of my life!

  • Interesting interview on a computer-focused website about the founding and growing. I'm interested because I just went through a phase of testing one food tracker a day and Cronometer is by far the fastest I've tested. That's what I'm here for, but I do like the detailed nutritional analysis. So I'm sticking with Cronometer. Thanks for your slow, patient work in building a great product. https://www.indiehackers.com/businesses/cronometer

  • What an amazing story and what a great job the Cronometer team has done!

  • I remember that research. I read it, and realised with sadness that I couldn't be hungry the rest of my life, and moved on.

    But have you seen the new review paper on fasting from the NEJM? https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMra1905136

    They postulate that the health benefits noticed were not due to the limited calories, but because the poor little rodents were so hungry they scoffed all the food in a few hours and thus were fasting 20 hours per day.

    This is brilliant news for me (though maybe 20 years too late) as I can live with daily fasting.

    Thanks to you and your team. Using Cronometer with fasting and LCHF, I have lost 11kg so far.