How accurate is Cronometer?
The following are my macros:
1 gP*lean weight = 130 520
0.5gF*lean weight = 65 585
Leftover for carbs = 200 800
Total = 1905
Having hit only 92% of my individual macros, somehow I'm at 1983 calories already. How can this be if I haven't gotten all my macros yet?
i've noticed myself, that is i add up all the amino acids, it doesn't equal grams of protein on alot of foods..probably something similar...
as far as 'how accurate is it', it's just a well educated varies and so do people...
the only thing that you can be THAT accurate about is Vitamin C by doing a Iodine/Starch titration right before you eat it...(which i do time to time) ...unless your really pioneering and willing to drop $1k on a spectrometer and the assay kits for other vitamins...
I am an amateur. I've been using CRON-O-Meter for 10 years and counting, still learning.....
i had a thought about the 'accuracy' of cron-o-meter...
think of it as driving a car and it's the stripes on the road keeping you in your lane, it's accurate enough to keep you from going off the road, but you can sway a bit to the left or right...
I am an amateur. I've been using CRON-O-Meter for 10 years and counting, still learning.....
Hi @sadammkhan , I'm not sure I understand your calculations. Is it possible that you have entered foods into your diary which have conflicting macronutrients/ calories?
I would recommend trying to use food entries from our "Common Foods" Tab. Take a look at this Blog post about choosing the best data for your needs:
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