Meal Planning
One of my New Year's goals is to gradually make dietary changes that are consistent with heart health. Cronometer ( you say CRON-o-meter, I say Cro-NOM-eter) is an invaluable aid for making these changes.
What I'm working on next is meal planning. How have some of you approached this? Do you plan meals for the week, then buy ingredients? Do you prep foods at the beginning of the week? (I have Sunday afternoons available to do this) How to you make meal planning simple enough so that it becomes a consistent habit? Any other suggestions?
Conveniently, I wrote a blog on how to meal plan like a dietitian.
Hope this helps!
Kind regards,
Susan Macfarlane, MScA, RD
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
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This is just what I'm looking for! Thanks, Susan