Reporting/correcting incorrect food data
When I scanned a food tonight I noticed that the data in cronometer does not match what the label says. There is no way to fix this or to at least report it to cronometer to have it fixed. And since it was already entered, I couldn't figure out if there was a way for me to create my own food entry using the correct data. If there is a way to do this I'd like to know about it. But I think it's more efficient to have a process for fixing incorrect entries.
We have a way to report issues right in the app.
1) Open the food in the nutrition summary view
2) Tap the icon in the top-right to open the report issue dialogAaron Davidson
CEO, -
Apologies if I'm just being tech dumb, but this is what I see when I enter a food. How are you seeing a different view?
Try tapping anywhere in the highlighted area, should bring up the Nutrition Summary, then tap the upper right corner as above.
Ugh, I feel dumb. Thank you!
Can u input the correct amount of macros from an item if yours doesn’t match the label
Do you mean you want to edit a food?
You can make a copy of any food and change the macros in the food if you like!