Beta Testing - accessibility adaptations for visually impaired users
We are currently recruiting Beta testers for testing some accessibility adaptations for visually impaired users. If you are interested in helping to test and provide feedback on usability we would love your help! Please email us at or with the information listed below:
Your Name
Your Cronometer account email
Your Apple ID email OR you Google Play Account Email<- so we can flag you as a beta tester and give you access to the app
Your Cronometer account status, i.e. Gold subscriber, Free, or paid app
Your device i.e. iPhone 7, Samsung Galaxy, etc.
The device's OS version.
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:
Are you still looking for testers?
Hi @tiaeeyore not for accessability features - we have completed that project and all areas of the app are available with voiceover.
We are, however always taking new beta testers for features we are developing.
You can learn more here:
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs: