Nutrition info isn’t added to my daily total
I take Jigsaw Mag SRT, 6 tablets daily, so I know I’m getting 750 mg of magnesium and a significant amount of folate, but it doesn’t show up in my nutrition graphs. When I added it as a food, all of the correct info was shown in the description. Why do I not get credit for it and how do I know that other nutrients and minerals from other foods or supplements aren’t also being miscalculated or ignored in my daily total?
@emmayamama you may have the "Include supplements" option unchecked in the report settings?
The other thing that may be happening is there is a mistake in the listing itself. Open the full nutrient breakdown of the listing in question to determine if the nutrients are in fact listed in the breakdown. If they are not please report an issue on the food:
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Thank you, @Hilary. “Include supplements” was/is checked on. The listing does have a complete and accurate nutrient listing.
Is it today's info that isn't showing up? Also ensure you have "include today" checked, and have selected to show all days if you don't typically mark days as complete! If that doesn't resolve it either, shoot me an email to and I can look into your account specifics further to get to the bottom of it
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