Where to change diet?
I can not locate where I change my diet from keto to something else. Can anyone point me to it? TIA!
Best Answer
As far as I can tell, keto is the only diet explicitly supported by Cronometer. So your choices are keto or to set you macros explicitly yourself (or use their defaults).
They couldn't have a mediterranean diet, because that term ill defined. Eg It's generally regarded as low in refined and starchy carbs and high in fruit, veg and olive oil, but the NHS UK says you can make your diet more mediterranean by adding bread and pasta and vegetable oils, many of which are quite different to olive oil. Oops, rant over.
But I could be wrong about cronometer. A staff member may come along and contradict what I have said. I may have missed a setting.
Settings->macronutrient targets
that allows me to change the type of keto. I want to change from keto to Mediterranean.
Makes sense. Then, how do I turn off keto???
Settings->macronutrient targets -> set macros using
and then pick ratio or fixed targets
At Cronometer our aim is to assist our users to achieve their weight and nutritional goals regardless of specific diet, or indeed in conjunction with a specific diet. The key thing here is Cronometer doesn't advocate any specific diet, but is the tool to use for any diet, and we try our best to place that knowledge right in the hands of our users.
We do not support any specific type of diet, but instead offer formats to make settings targets for preset diets easier. This is, for instance why we offer a specific Keto diet format. The way Keto sets targets differs from the more simple macronutrient ratio method which most other diets follow.
I recommend reaching out to your healthcare practitioner or expert in the diet you are wishing to follow to learn more about the diet so you can make informed decisions for your health when setting up your targets.
Learn more about setting your macronutrient targets in our user manual:
https://cronometer.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018362851-Edit-Macronutrient-TargetsYou can also edit your micronutrient targets to fine-tune your diet: https://cronometer.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018362851-Edit-Macronutrient-Targets
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:
https://forums.cronometer.com/discussion/27/governing-terms-and-disclaimer -
"We do not support any specific type of diet,"
That is not true. Cronometer very explicitly supports the calorie in/calorie out energy equilibrium approach as well as the theory that 3500 kcal deficit will lead to a pound of fat loss. These are both orthodoxies and what almost every doctor will advise, so it's easy to think of it as not a specific diet, but it is. And it's a diet that only works for some people. It may have easily worked for me when I was younger (and didn't need to lose weight!), but it failed for me now I do, and it does not work for many people.
Cronometer does more than support this model, it's implicit in it's design. I hadn't quite decided what my steps to improving my health would be, so I started using cronometer and google fit to see where I was. I linked the two, then found the target weight option and picked an amount to lose per week and suddenly cronometer was telling me how much to eat each day. It wasn't giving me macro breakdowns, but it was telling me how many calories I should consume. Cronometer put me on a diet and decided which one, without me explicitly deciding I wanted that. If that isn't support of a specific diet, I can't imagine what is.
Cronometer is a really useful tool for any diet or dietary approach if you know what you are doing, but to pretend it doesn't support and steer the user to specific weight loss approache is not true. In fact, support for a common alternative approach, intermittent fasting, is only available for a price, which again shows a bias towards the default approach.
Addendum: the 3500kcal/fat pound seems to be nonsense. Almost every health authority and magazine article quotes it, but apparently no one knows for sure where it comes from, recalculation can get quite different numbers and no trial has actually found that relationship in practice: people lose a fraction of the TOTAL weight that formula predicts, and the actual fat loss would be much lower still, as all weight loss includes some lean mass.
The 3500 kcal restriction = 1 lb weight loss is more of a theoretical approach to losing weight (in that it is only expected under controlled laboratory settings in individuals with predictable metabolisms).
In the real world, most people don't accurately record everything they eat (there are mountains of studies showing how inaccurately we measure, record, and report our food intake) and they tend to overestimate the number of calories that are burnt from activity. In addition, in a person that has engaged in numerous weight loss attempts, it's common to see his or her metabolism burning at a rate below predicted.
All this to say is that you are right in that the 3500 kcal approach to weight loss should be taken with a grain of salt since so many confounders influence its outcome. That said, it wouldn't be considered a "diet" in the scientific community since it doesn't prescribe what to eat, which is a key feature of all diets.
The reality is that to lose weight, the body must take in fewer calories than it burns. How this occurs can be as diverse as the person following the particular diet pattern, which is why there will never one "perfect" weight loss diet.
Kind regards,
Susan Macfarlane, MScA, RD
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:
https://forums.cronometer.com/discussion/27/governing-terms-and-disclaimer -
Interesting to read your experience with keto. I have a month since I began this diet and until now, the most difficult part is finding keto recipes which would make my life more diverse
Really difficult for me because I am a pasta and pizza lover, also sometimes I feel like it is too much fat for me. I have read that seafood is amazing, but in my region it is a deficit and very expensive. But looks like there are a lot of products aiming to change the normal pasta (for example vegetable pasta). I even managed to prepare a keto pizza
wish me luck!!!