How to set up the date range in "trends" to track how much fat I am eating today only?
I set "report settings" to include today and date range to last 12 hours. Under "macronutrient targets" is says I have consumed 19 grams of fat. When I add up the total fat from the diary it comes out to 5.4 grams of fat. I believe 5.4 is correct, so why is the nutrition report including yesterday and today when I have it set to the last 12 hours. Why does "days displayed" not include today only?
Best Answer
OK never mind. The top panel of Diary slides to the side where you can see the daily total so far...
Update, the previous question was regarding the Android App. After lunch, on the PC it says I have consumed 7.1 grams of fat while on the mobile app it says 19.8 grams. It seems like the PC is correct and the app is way off....
@Cral_Dogman1 Can you please reach out to including screenshots of the issue? Thanks!
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