
I've read about carbs/net carbs and thought I understood until this..

I have been using chronometer for a few months, and recently started entering ingredients as I cook to help determine the nutritional content as I assemble dishes.. I thought I understood how (net carbs) = (carbs)-(fiber)+(sugar alcohols), but this experience has me totally perplexed..

I made this 6 serving dish last night:

It's def got more sodium than usual but the other ratios I was pretty happy with, until I ate a serving this morning and got a rude surprise with the net carb load in my diary:

I appreciate y'all's expertise in helping me understand what I clearly do not get about this system yet!


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    Hi Zlart,

    What serving size did you add to your diary?

    From the nutrition label your net carbs would be equal to:
    492.5 g total carbs - 70.9 g fiber = 421.6 g net carbs
    Unless there are any sugar alcohols in your recipe?

    I would be happy to take a look at your recipe if you would like to send an email to support@cronometer.com


    Karen Stark
    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

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    Hi @Karen_Cronometer -
    Serving size was 395 grams (pictured in ss, but not very clearly perhaps)

    I am mostly concerned with my apparent misunderstanding more broadly rather than with this specific recipe; I did not add any sugars or sugar alcohols that I'm aware of. Looking at the ratios in the nutrition label, I've got well over double the RDV protein vs carbs, even before factoring in the fiber (and the net calculation would be boosting the protein:carb ratio even further towards protein, right?)

    yet when I actually eat it, I magically get more carbs than protein??

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    Oh sorry about that - I can't see the total weight of your recipe so I can't directly compare the 2 screenshots you included.

    Just in case, please don't compare the % numbers shown in the nutrition label of your first screen shot with your nutrient target % in the second screenshot. They are not the same thing - one is the % Daily Value used on nutrition labels and are different than your nutrient targets in your diary.

    Carbohydrates are made up of digestible carbs (starches and sugars) and non-digestible carbs (fiber and some sugar alcohols). Your recipe has 492.5 g total carbs, 70.9 g of which are fiber; that means there are still 421.6 g net (digestible) carbs. In other words, most of the carbs in your recipe are digestible carbs, so they will still count towards your net carbs target. Total protein in your recipe 209.2 g, so either way you have more carbs than protein in your recipe.

    Try adding the whole recipe to your diary; then add a serving instead to see how the ratios are the same when you do it this way!

    I hope that is more helpful!

    Karen Stark
    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

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