Some Favorites missing
Lately, I've noticed that not all of my favorites appear anymore. This is happening both in the web site and on my iPhone. When I first go to add a favorite to a meal, I see it, but a second later the screen refreshes itself and it has disappeared! I've searched this website, and saw that favorites is supposed to be unlimited, so I don't think that's the issue.
That sounds like something isn't behaving properly!
Is there any chance you could grab a screen recording so we can see what you are seeing?Are you able to find the food if you search for it by name in the Favorites tab?
Karen Stark
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Yes, if I search by name it shows up. I did a screen recording, replied to the email, but it bounced back. Not sure how to send it to you?
OK, maybe this will work, here's a link to the screen recording:!AmHiagPTO9y-iMhICWNV3zQ96w3hUA?e=yn15YYI am looking for my Custom “daily” food. You can see there are no D’s between the C’s and the E’s, yet if I type in “daily” it shows up and I can add it. (It is starred as a favorite)
It worked! Thanks very much for sending that through. We did identify a bug with the sorting when you have Favorites filter applied to the food search. Thanks for reporting the issue so we can get it fixed.
Karen Stark
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs: