Apple Health Timestamp

The entries synchronized to Apple Health always show added on 12:00AM, despite the actual time they were added in the app. Is it possible to have this timestamp reflect the actual time of the entry in the app? I wanted to blame apple for this since Cronometer is great so far, but it seems pretty straight forward to include a time stamp based off a 15 minute search of the HealthKit documentation:
Hi @wubs ,
Thank you for reaching out!
We are working on getting Apple Health to read our Timestamps. Currently, Apple Health is showing the sum of your nutrient intake, and technically these sums do not have a time associated with it and they put in all nutrients for the day at midnight. We are looking into improving and associating nutrients with timestamps.
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Hello Marie, Has there been any progress made with this ticket?
Timestamp feature (a part of golden subscription!) seems to be broken when used with Apple health sync on iPhone 11 Pro max iOS 14.4. The nutrition data logged on certain time of the day (see images 1-2) are displayed with an incorrect time stamp in Apple health app (see images 3-4). The correct chronometer’s timestamp should be like in image 4 (from MFP app). So how is it an apple’s fault if this is clearly a chronometers timestamp which is wrong?
Timestamp feature is part of a paid “golden” subscription and it seems to be broken when used with Apple health sync on iPhone 11 Pro max iOS 14.4. The nutrition data logged on certain time of the day (see images 1-2) are displayed with an incorrect time stamp in Apple health app (see images 3-4). The correct chronometer’s timestamp should be like in image 5 (from MFP app).
I am new to Cronometer and nutrition tracking in general. I was hoping that Cronometer would help me find relationships between what I eat and my performance and emotional state. I use Apple Health for everything but the nutritional tracking, and was hoping Cronometer would be the source for nutritional data in Apple Health.
However the lack of timestamps within a day is a big gap.
I have searched the forums and this appears to be something g that comes up every year or so, but with no resolution. Is this something that either I am missing (I.e., I have misconfigured something), or is this still missing as a product feature. Is there a commitment to address this need and use case?
About a week after posting this, I went ahead and bought the paid subscription to see if that solved the timestamp issue. Although the product information said that Gold added the feature of "timestamps", I interpreted that as being able to change the timestamps, not that they were included at all.
As it turns out, Gold does indeed provide timestamps, and the ability to edit them, AND syncing with Apple Health. Issues resolved.