Another Dr. Oz Claim
I don't often read the wife's magazines, but the cover of the November issue of FIRST MAGAZINE caught my eye. It claimed "Drop 48 lbs. by Christmas" So, being that this is the November issue, we are talking about dropping 6 lbs. or more for 8 weeks. And this can be accomplished by using the 16 hour fasting method in combination with Dr. Oz's special soup. Coming from a guy who has had to defend his claims in front of Congress, this one is hard to swallow. The article even claimed that some women reported losing up to 16 lbs. per week ..... whaaaaaat???? Reminds me of the old cabbage soup diet that left you on the brink of nutritional death for weeks on end.
If you wake up without goals, go back to sleep ...
Dr. Oz is an embarrassment to the medical community and his recommendations have arguably harmed more than they have helped.
When hearing advice such as this, I always think "and then what?". Losing weight can be difficult but it's nothing compared to maintaining lost weight. And the impact of chronic yo-yo dieting is detrimental to individual's metabolism and fat deposition.
Susan Macfarlane, MScA, RD
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
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Also, is this the type of message to put out right now? People are having enough anxiety and pressure and the upcoming holidays at the best of times can be depression inducing for many people. It just seems much better if the message was ideas of how to take care of yourself and nurture yourself through the holidays, not more pressure to lose an unhealthy amount of weight in a few weeks. For what? Why would you need to lose it by Christmas? So shallow. As if the people that care about you would care.
"Dr. Oz's total body reset". And the "secret ingredient" soup. All meaningless phrases. Worse it seems to be targeting people at an extra vulnerable time.
Such good advice! These diets are set up to fail as success is only guaranteed as long as you follow the diet and who wants to eat soup for the rest of their life!?
Plus, physical health is just one dimension of well-being. Putting 100% of time and effort into "correcting" physical health means that we could be taking away from our social and mental health.
I also like this quote:
"Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living."Kind regards,
Susan Macfarlane, MScA, RD
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
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