Pre-planning and completed feature
Is there any way to tick off foods you have eaten when you have pre-planned your eating schedule for the day. I have ADHD and try to pre-plan my eating for the day as I have a terrible working memory but still have problems trying to remember, have I eaten one or two of those, or am on on my 3rd? Something as simple as a checkbox would work. Visual reminder of 'yes' I've eaten that.
Third world problems, yes I know, but I don't want to start duplicating data in different places, just to be able to keep track.
Thanks in advance
PS. Great application. I've lost 207lbs to date. No small part due to Cronometer.
That's AMAZING progress oxmike! Congratulations on all your hard work!
Thanks for your feedback! One suggestion I have in the meantime is to use the diary groups to categorize foods you've planned and foods you've eaten. For example, maybe a 'Planned' category at the top or bottom of your diary, then drag items to the appropriate group when you eat them.
Karen Stark
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs: -
Hi Karen, A sound idea. I've set it up like this for the coming week to see how I get on. Obviously though, I think my idea is
Thanks for getting back so quickly.
Mike. -
Using a 'planned' category would make planning by meal quite challenging... not to mention planning by week.
Cronometer said that a meal planner was planned way back in 2019. I've maintained a Gold plan in the hope that this would actually happen... and now you're suggesting using the diary?!?!
We would love to dig into a Meal Planning feature
We're a small (but growing) company and can't wait to have more resources to do even more great features like this!
Karen Stark
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs: -
I'm posting this in a couple places where we've requested planning. Whether generic person, mom planning for week, intermittent faster, nutritionist, coach, RD, or DR, I can see value here.
It seems that an easy and pre-programmed means to support our request is to duplicate DIARY section, but call it PLAN. They'd look exactly alike - but one would be model days - numbered, named like "pizza night", or whatever. Then we'd have one area to enter what we ate - and another "sandbox/development" area where we could create meals and/or days.
Ideally we could multi-select and copy over to the DIARY area, but if that's too hard, then let us save that DAY or MEAL as a "recipe" and I'd be thrilled.
Turn this PLAN area into a tab at bottom, or hide in menus. Many apps allow you to select feature/mode/subscript that you have at bottom. Right now in C mine are "diary/foods/trends/settings". I NEVER use the "trends" tab at the bottom. (I'm sure others do, but might not care about getting to settings here or something).
PLEASE? So many apps out there for tracking macros - I don't want to lose micronutrient info but I've been paying quite a bit for a long time with this promise hanging out there.... update please @Karen_Cronometer? It doesn't require that much time/dev energy if you are replicating current code....
So many apps out there for tracking macros - I don't want to lose micronutrient info but I've been paying quite a bit for a long time with this promise hanging out there.... update please @Karen_Cronometer?
This hits the nail on the head for me. Back in 2019 it was confirmed to be in the works... and now it's clear that it is actually not the case. I'm really annoyed that after asking for an update multiple times, I'm finally told that I've been misled.
I get that they say the team is small, but they charge for the product, there are expectations that the product will be at least somewhat competitive. The only benefit I personally get from my Gold membership is the ability to have Diary Groups, none of the other Gold features are really all that valuable to me. I have been paying for a subscription for years, and barely use it because I can't plan!
Hi ElizC,
That sounds like a good way to do it! I absolutely love the idea of having a meal planning feature to help with diet planning in Cronometer.
My apologies for giving the impression that we were working on it a couple of years ago. That was a mistake. We do not have a timeline for this feature to share with you.
Karen Stark
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs: