Calories remaining text puts wrong number for deficit
Looks like the first number there is actually the calories remaining number rather than the deficit? Checked back several days and the numbers are always the same.
Same here.
I also hate the way they use negative numbers for a defecit.A defecit IS a negative number already. -
I seem to be having trouble making support understand this.
sorry for misspelling deficit...twice.
I can see how that can be confusing! The text describes your budget deficit i.e. Calories burned - calories consumed - weight loss goal:
1726 - 0 - 873 = 853Then the text in the hover box also includes the deficit you need based on your selected rate or weight loss (873 kcal).
The negative sign is a nice visual queue to quickly see if you are under/over your target, though I can appreciate that when used along with the word deficit you can interpret that as a double negative.
Thanks for your feedback! I'm interested to hear ways we can make this info easier for everyone to understand.
Karen Stark
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs: -
See what I mean.They dont understand.
Hi Karen - to be clear, your intention with that hover text is that "kcal deficit" = "calories remaining" ? I find it quite confusing to use two different phrases for the same concept. I would expect "kcal deficit" = Calories burned - calories consumed only. I have no problem understanding the concept of calories remaining. I don't think they're the same thing though!
- is broken.(and confusing)
I have been using Cronometer for years.I know how it works.This is broken.It happened recently. -
irbrainiac - yes I think it changed recently too, I've been using cronometer for awhile
I can handle disagreeing about the minus sign but I'd quite like the kcal deficit (as I defined it above) to be available.
If you are on a weight loss budget,calories remaining cannot equal calorie deficit.The math here is broken now.It used to work correctly.
Mine is like this...I need a deficit of 374 calories per day to be on budget.That would be 0 calories remaining.As it is now the box would show I had a 0 calorie deficit when I actually have a 374 calorie deficit.
Deficit has always been Calories remaining plus your budget need for weight loss.
If I had 100 calories remaining,my deficit would be 474.(not 100)(this is how it has always been)
thanks -
You are corect Rosemary.
Thanks! Sometimes I need some fresh eyes and a great description like yours above @irbrainiac, aaaaand maybe some more coffee
.I've got this logged to fix. Thanks for your help!
Karen Stark
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs: -
You make me happy...thanks.
Thanks folks
Hope this is fixed sooner than later. A simple substitute of the word 'surplus' instead of 'deficit', in the first sentence of the description box, would go a long way to clarify what shouldn't have been changed to begin with.
Still not fixed.
Please,is this really being worked on?
Still not fixed....I sent a request to support today.
PLease make the deficit the actual deficit again and calories remaining actual calories remaining to goal intake. Thank you!
I dont think the care.I have renewed my subscription for the last time.
This isnt the first issue that has never been resolved.
Makes me question the validity of everything I enter.Without accurate data,what is the point? -
Hi there,
This one just went through testing and will be out shortly!
Our apologies for the wait while we sorted this one out.
Karen Stark
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs: -
Seems to be correct now...thank you.
Still has the needlessly confusing negative symbols but at least you can mental gymnastic your way around them.
It seems to be fixed in this window
But not in this one
For reference my deficit should be 500.
Hm. Its fixed now. Weird.
Glad to hear it! We found an issue with the weight goal/custom energy target setting that may have been the culprit. Thanks for reporting this so we could fix it ASAP.
Karen Stark
As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs: -
Thanks for fixing it!