Correct calcium value for new product, please confirm. thank you.


I hope you are well.
I recently shared a new food item with cronometer. I also added a photo if i remember well and all the nutrition facts. It said that the cronometer team will review it before publishing it to the wider cronometer public.

I could not read the calcium properly so I wrote 0 back then. After re-verification, I confirmed the correct value for calcium for that product. I did this re-verification during my last grocery shopping.

I previously logged the food item name as follow :
Eggs, Organic, Free Range, no animal by-products, no antibiotics, access to pasture

The correct calcium value is 50 mg (0 mg is wrong). Can you please confirm you will correct this error? or if you cannot do something about it, maybe can you notify your colleague who is responsible of such responsibility? I thought it'd better I correct the information now that it has been sent out.

Thanks for your time.