What product to use for Tomato Sauce?

Does anyone have an idea of what product to use for Tomato Sauce that is comparable in calories and nutrition?

I would like to include Tomato Sauce in my diary. But the calories of the tomato sauce products in the grocery store's are not the same as a 1/2 cup of Tomato Sauce in Cronometer at 27.22 calories. As an example, Prego Italian Pasta Sauce Traditional Sensitive Recipe No Garlic or Onions has 70 calories at 1/2 cup.


  • Ursa_Major_410
    edited August 2023

    I'm not sure I understand what you are asking as Tomato Sauce and Pasta Sauce are not the same products nor are the profiles comparable. Pasta Sauces are more than twice the calories of Tomato Sauces. Are you trying to find a Tomato Sauce or Pasta Sauce?

  • Thanks Ursa_Major_410 for responding to my question. I am trying to find a tomato product listed in Cronometer that has the same amount of nutrients and fiber as does the Cento brand Passata traditional food. I am using Cento passata as a tomato sauce. It has no onions nor garlic in it, is lower in sodium, and I can add the amount of oil that I want to it. The "tomato sauce" listed in Cronometer has the same nutrients but some of them are not the same in quantity to the Cento brand passata calories. I also looked at Tomato Puree, Tomato Juice (low sodium), Cooked Fresh Tomatoes. Cento's Passata has the following nutrients for a 1/4 cup serving... sodium 60mg; fiber less than 1g; total sugars 3g, 0 sugars added; calcium 11g; iron 0.23mg; potassium 230 mg; Protein 1g, Total Carbs 4g, and Total Fat 0g.

    Does Cronometer have a tomato product listed that has the same nutrient profiles as does the Cento brand passata traditional?

    Thank you.

  • I do not know. Since you have the macro and nutrient information you could create a "Custom Food" entry for the Cento's Passata.

    Web: Create a Custom Food https://support.cronometer.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018240312-Create-a-Custom-Food

    Mobile: Mobile - Create a Custom Food https://support.cronometer.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019866351-Mobile-Create-a-Custom-Food

    Hope this helps.

  • That is a great idea. I will do that. Thank you very much.