Lipids Panel in the Diary

edited July 2024 in Technical Help

I appreciate having this nutrition tracker. Will someone please let me know why the amount of the Total Fat, 62.5 grams, does not equal the sum of the individual fats, 55.3 grams, after my food entry in the diary? I have set the following in the Diary Lipid Panel…

Fat 20% 60.0 grams daily target, 66 grams maximum
threshold of total 2700 calories
Monounsaturated 9.4% 28.2 g daily target and maximum threshold
Polyunsaturated 5.6% 16.8 g daily target and maximum threshold
Omega-3 0.6% (1.8 g) daily target and maximum threshold
Omega-6 5.0% (15.0 g) daily target and maximum threshold
Saturated 5.0% 15.0 g daily target and maximum threshold
Trans-Fats 0.0% 0 g daily target; 3 grams maximum threshold
20% 60.0 g

Cholesterol 0.0% 0 mg daily target; 200 mg maximum threshold
Phytosterol - -

After entering the food in the diary, the following reads…

Fat 62.5 grams; 104%
Monounsaturated 26.2 g 93%
Polyunsaturated 16.8 g 99%
Omega-3 (1.5 g) 86%
Omega-6 (14.7 g) 98%
Saturated 12.1 g 80%
Trans-Fats 0.2 g n/a
55.3 g

Cholesterol 138.0 mg
Phytosterol 19.9 mg

Thank you for your time and I look forward to receiving a response soon.


  • Fat 20% 60.0 grams daily target, 66 grams maximum
    Fat 62.5 grams; 104%

    The amount of the Total Fat, 62.5 grams, equals 104% of your fat target (20%) 60.0g not the sum of the individual lipids,

    Each individual lipid reports its percentage relative to its own set target.

    Hope this helps.