Make adding exercises as easy as adding foods

edited January 2024 in Feature Requests

Currently adding exercises has three options. You can:

Add a recent exercise, but only the last four are saved
Add a custom exercise, but you need to determine the Kcal burned manually.
Add an existing exercise from the "browse all" menu. But the total list of exercises is limited in scope, for example: jumping jacks are not an option.
The two things I really want are
1. the ability to favorite exercises to make a "menu" of exercises available to me. This would make navigating the menu easier, especially when i have a long list of frequently used exercises.
2. the ability to set the rates of custom exercises. i.e. doing push ups burns 5Kcal/per minute. This would let me exercise for however long I want, then just plug in the time and let chronometer determine how many Kcal's I've burned. This would function similar to how you input the weight/serving size of a food right now.

There is one bonus(?) feature I'd really love, but I could live without: The ability to input exercises by different units. For example, entering push ups by number of minutes, or number of push ups completed in one sitting. I tend not to time myself when exercise and just set a target for "do this action X times" and this would help me a lot. As another example: set the units for outdoor hiking to be "distance traveled".

Sorry for double posting, i think my previous post got messed up by the process of me editing it.