
I find cronometer super limited!

It cannot even calculate all permutations of nutrients and create meaningful diet plans so you reach your RDA goals (even these are not be supposed to be followed on daily basis and exactly) still for diet optimization. Or to recommend alternative of foods/meals... Why would i buy premium, if it is basically glorified food calendar with food database...

I want to plan i need to plan what food i will cook in week ahead so i can make sure i have resources and enough nutrients overall per month longer periods etc. But i cannot put some food and its ingredients and add nutrients for them as recipe and then check it upon eating it that i really eaten it... BEcause otherwise data would include something i didn't eat...

These things are intuitive logical and stem from using program. SW devs tell me i am brilliant if i simply tell them next logical step or basic UI features... It is not me no offense...

It is impossible to plan ahead without being able to do this :(

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