Settings to automatically categorise entries into the relevant diary groups
I couldn't find this, so sorry if it's already a thing.
I'd like to be able to reduce my overhead for entering things, with some automated preferences around diary settings. The examples I can think of:
- Automatically put exercises into my "Exercise" diary group.
- Anything entered between 12:00 and 14:00 to be added to the "Lunch" diary group.
- A specific food to always go into a specific group (eg fibre tablets to always go into my "Supplements" diary group.
- Automatically add heart rate or weight from an app or device into a specific group.
And so on. It's not a vast change, but the less someone has to click to log food accurately, the more they're likely to continue doing it.
Hello. I’m new here. Did you find out how to do this? I’d like measurements from my smart scales to automatically go into a category. Is there a way? Thanks.
I worked it out. Diary settings! ;-) what a noob!