Adjust Recipe in IOS 4.19.4 only works once per recipe in the diary

edited March 2024 in Bug Reports

Once an adjustment is made and saved, adjust recipe (or edit original or edit a copy) is no longer available for that specific entry. An inconvenient workaround, but a workaround nonetheless, is to delete the adjusted recipe, add it to the diary again, and then one more opportunity to adjust is available and, if used/saved, it is not available again until executing the workaround again. Optimally, one would be able to adjust multiple times in case something is missed or one wants to see the adjusted recipe for that day—like it used to be.

Thanks in advance for looking in to this - I am looking forward to have the functionality fully back soon as I use it daily.


  • I'm getting this too, on iOS 17.3.1. I need to be able to Adjust Recipe multiple times. This is a safety feature for me - I've been finding recently that my 'adjustments' have disappeared when working with a large recipe with many adjustments. So I've been popping out of Adjust Recipe multiple times as a backup, only to reenter Adjust Recipe to continue on with adjustments. As of today I'm no longer able to do this, as the Adjust Recipe menu item on the custom recipe's context menu no longer appears after the first adjustment session.

    This is a serious loss of functionality for me. I'm not sure if I can find a practical way to overcome it.

    Please restore the prior versions' availability of Adjust Recipe for multiple adjustment sessions of a custom recipe.

  • I am having the same exact issue on my android. It is very frustrating and time consuming. I've contacted cronometer multiple times over the past week with no reply. Not sure if I will continue being a user as this feature of being able to adjust recipes while it is in the daily diary is very important for me. Health wise, time wise, it needs to be more efficient. Has anyone heard anything about this being changed? Was going to upgrade to the premium but not if this feature is unavailable- unless this is their way of coercing people into the paid version and including it in the paid version?

  • @Julescor I haven’t heard anything from Cronometer on my ticket or posts. It has only been about a week since the recent version was released and that’s when this issue cropped up. Given the release notes, I doubt it was an intentional change—I think it’s a bug, especially since it works fine on the prior version (I have apps I haven't upgraded yet).

  • @foodnerd thanks for the response. I finally heard back from them after contacting them.on social media. Here is the response I got:

    'The Adjust Recipe is a new addition that allows a one-time change to your recipes. We just introduced this two weeks ago for the first time, we’re excited about it!

    The Edit Recipe functionality should work as it did previously, swiping to the right on the recipe in the diary and then clicking edit should work as it always has.'

    I can't edit recipes from my diary entry pages, can you?

  • @julescor I can only use adjust recipe once per recipe on a particular day (without deleting and readding the recipe entry that day). The response you received is not well thought out for two reasons: 1) the adjust recipe feature has been around a long time, not just two weeks, which indicates whomever responded is not well informed and 2) "should work as it always has" would indicate they either haven't tried to reproduce it by adjusting and saving and then trying again OR aren't on the latest app release. I'd recommend you reply to them and ask them to escalate it to the development team (or someone else, at least).

    I've checked with a number of people I know that use Cronometer and I have not found a single person that is able use "adjust recipe" more than once on a given daily recipe entry on the current version whereas everyone that isn't on the current version that I know can (including myself).

    I'm pretty surprised that I haven't heard a peep from anyone on Cronometer about this by now. Perhaps they are busy addressing other requests since the upgrade. There are a lot of users, so I'm hoping to hear something sometime soon.

  • It looks like version 4.19.5 of the app was released today and the adjust recipe bug is fixed! Thanks Cronometer!

  • This sounds positive - how do I update it on my phone also? I'm still having the same problem

  • I don’t have an android device, so it’s best you ask someone that might have some expertise there. You probably would update it from the same place you installed it, though. I hope it’s resolved for you there as well. Best of luck!

  • Thanks! So glad it is back for you. I have an iPad and it hasn't updated there either. Are you using an iPhone? Sorrybfor the questions, I'm just trying to solve it so I don't have to move over to another tracking app which would be time consuming.

  • I have an iPad and iPhone. I thought you were on Android for some reason. Go to the App Store and search for Cronometer. If "update" is next to it, click update. And then you should be good to go on the latest version with the fixed bug.

  • Thanks! I have an android phone and an iPad. I'll try updating, fingers crossed 🤞

  • @julescor I'm curious - did it work out for you? :smiley:

  • @Foodnerd thank you for checking in! Yes, I looked for the update as you said and it seems to be back up and running again!! I can't tell you the relief, it was really tripping me up lol. The other thing (which is probably more of a concern), is the representative whom I was working with on it - she had no idea it had been restored and was still stating we only had a one time opportunity to adjust an entry. I ended up talking her through the update and then she knew. Not sure if they are super busy right now or if their service is slipping 🤔

  • I've just updated the app on iOS to 4.19.5 b1877-i. I can confirm the Adjust Recipe menu item is now showing up after the first adjustment session. So I'd consider this fixed. Thank you for your prompt fix!

  • walt6502
    edited April 2024

    I just recently discovered this functionality and stumbled onto this discussion after Cronometer already fixed the issue, but was thinking the OP's workaround was really more of a "delete everything and start over" thing rather than an actual workaround.

    Had this stayed broken or if it happens again in the future (hope not), I think another [temporary] fix would be to use the "Explode Recipe" functionality rather than "Adjust Recipe".

    Just providing options/alternatives; not trying to criticize.

  • Good points. Some even more so if dealing with large recipes.

    And I appreciate the insight on how you use it as I'm still figuring out how to keep mine organized. I hadn't considered looking at the recipe nutrition profile. Every time I think I understand something with this app, I find out there's another layer of possibilities I hadn't considered...

  • Speaking of bugs (or user error), I wonder where my reply to your initial comment that you just replied to went. It appears to be gone. That’s not the first time this has happened to me.

  • walt6502
    edited April 2024

    At the risk of getting off topic, I noticed that also - after I already posted. I actually tried clicking on "Insightful" on your post, but it gave me an error. I refreshed and it was gone.

    Since my reply doesn't really make sense now, I thought I should delete mine also. But, I couldn't figure out how. So I'm thinking, "hmmm, how did they do that?" Then, your latest reply popped up.


    Note I did change "better ... fix" to "another ... fix" in my original comment, which is more accurate.