How is there not a quick add list?!

edited April 2024 in General Discussion

I’m new to this app so I’m seeing it with fresh eyes.

Why doesn’t the app Automatically add previous items to a reusable quick list? 🤷🏻‍♂️

This is basic functionality for an app like this where things are repeated often.

Do you guys expect me to re-scan barcodes of my 15 supplements every single day (or manually search for them) and manually enter all my food items afresh over and over?

  1. Recipes are ONLY useful if nothing changes.
  2. Repeat items is coded nonsensically as it forces you to know ahead of time what you’ll eat in the future. That makes no sense.

Add a quick-list option that automatically gathers everything I ever add to a Diary, so I don’t have to do it ever again. I can just tap tap tap tap tap.

How is this not the most obvious, main, front and center feature of your app?
