Comparing foods
I use Cronometer to help maintain a kidney friendly diet (stage 4 kidney disease). Is there a quick way to compare the nutrient content of 2 or more foods other than adding them to the daily diary?
i would find this very helpful as well
It seems like you could use the "custom meal" or "custom recipe" feature to do that. I make different smoothie variations with 5-8 ingredients (e.g., my protein powder, blueberries, carrots, spinach, CoQ10 liquid, chia seeds, etc.) and create a custom recipe for the ones I make often. Then I just add that one thing to my diary. You could do the same thing... enter your ingredients save it as a meal... check the numbers... and, if you don't need it, just delete it. I've done that on several occasions.
I don't think that is what the OP meant. At least, for me I'd like to able to see a line-by-line comparison of say raw spinach and raw kale. Or, there are a gazillion versions of unsweetened applesauce. I know the differences in the datasources, but I'd like to see the different nutrient values between Applesauce, Unsweetened and Applesauces, canned, unsweetened.