NOVA Food categories
MIght it be possible to introduce the NOVA food categories somewhere so that we might be abl to monitor how much of our diet is comprised of ultra-processed food ?
Pretty cool idea! The NOVA categories seem pretty clearly defined. It seems like it would somehow have to be added to the Cronometer database and could be one of those summaries like they have for Energy and Targets. Seems very useful!
The NOVA database appears to use UPC labels, the Crono database uses UPC labels for information submitted by us CRDB. The NCCDB only has their own unique FOOD ID for their database (based on the sample file provided on their website). Open food facts say they are open source but surely there must be licencing issues for commercial use.
Of course my google feed is now full of articles on the NOVA system. There are some criticisms out there that suggest that "it is important to communicate science-based information to the public on how to incorporate all types of healthful, affordable foods including canned, frozen and packaged foods — even those that may be categorized as ultra-processed by the NOVA system — into their eating pattern"(eatrightpro). Essentially the criticism appears to focus on lack of consideration of nutrients. This may be especially important in the high carb vs high fat discussions.
There is also a database called Grocery DB that is apparently open source. It can be searched via, a project of a research group at various institutions (including Mass General). Even if it was only available for CRDB foods, it would be helpful. Or maybe NCCDB somewhere has a linking file that connects their IDs to UPC codes? This would be a great premium feature to offer CM subscribers.