Feature request: variable serving size on a recipe
I would like to create a recipe that is based on the quantity of each ingredient. But then, when choosing it to add to a day's diary, I'd like the option to select a fraction of a serving. Examples include my breakfast go-to (steel-cut oats with ground flaxseed and sunflower seeds). I also often make a big batch of something, but then may vary how much of the concotion I eat as part of a meal. I don't think this is otherwise possible. Thanks!
OK you have created a custom recipe based on the standard recipe builder and let us say it makes 12 servings. Well if you have twice as much or only half a serving you just entry 2.0 or 0.5 in the quantity consumed. Even if you make a double batch of the recipe the serving would still be the same unit. Am I missing something?
Hi @RudigerVT! @thistle_dave is correct in mentioning that you can enter fractions in the format of 0.25, 0.5 or 0.75 into the 'Amount' selector when adding the recipe to your Diary. Does this help with what you're trying to accomplish?
Ooh, now I see: I set this as a meal and not a recipe. I just recreated it that way (as one serving) and boom, works like a charm! This is great--thanks.