Recent podcast discussed PRAL option; this doesn't seem to exist?
On the 2/26/2025 episode of Discovering Nutrition with Cronometer, Eliisa and Jen Hernandez of Plant-Powered Kidneys discussed a PRAL option that Jen mentioned she used with her patients/clients. During the podcast, they tried to locate this on the app at 51:55. Eliisa was unable to do so. Despite researching here, the rest of the internet, and Jen's website, all of the available information has failed to present how to locate this feature. The most recent advice from January 2024 to "Check the "Display" settings, at the bottom under "Nutrient Balances", you should see "PRAL Alkalinity" as an optional gauge to turn on" is possibly outdated. I have attempted everything I have seen on my phone, tablet, and laptop to no avail. Please advise, and thank you in advance for your assistance.
I copied this from an email response that I received from Cronometer you have to login to the website to enable it then you can see it in mobile
“You can enable the PRAL Akalinity Nutrient Balance by following the steps below
on the website
- Sign into your account at:
- Go to 'More'
- Go to 'Display Settings'
- Go to 'Nutrient Balances'
- Select 'PRAL Alkalinity':
Once you have enabled that setting, you can view the PRAL gauge in the mobile app by following these steps:
- Go to your Diary
- Tap any of the 3 circles in the header
- Select Daily Report
- Scroll down to the 'Nutrient Balances' section to find your PRAL gauge.” Cronometer support