Meal plan builder

Hi, I like to plan 7 days worth of food for the week which also helps me knowing what to buy at the grocery store. I have to use previous days to build what I'm eating for that day and often my calories are increase or decreasing depending on my activity level. So the feature request would be to make some kind of meal building where I can add in all my food for a day and know all the amino's and nutrients that I am receiving, so a weekly overview of this data would help.


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  • Thanks for posting @Bear ! We actually do have plans to hopefully implement something like this! Thanks for the input on your reasoning as to why and how this feature would work for you. This kind of input will help shape the feature to best suit user needs!

    If anyone else comes accross this post, wewould love to hear from you about why this feature would interest you, and how you would most use it! Thanks!

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  • I cannot agree more. Additionally, having the meals subtotaled for calories, protein, carbs and fats is essential and then the daily totals. This should be available on the entry or diary screen as well as the reports.

    This is such a basic concept, it feels like an expectation of users that it is there when you purchase the program. I know it was mine when I purchased it.

    Can you put a date on


  • I just want to add my support for this feature. I'm thrilled to see that it is being considered.

    I'm not sure what you have planned, but I think the below features would be useful:

    1. The ability review a week of meals at a time (perhaps a calendar view) would be brilliant.
    2. A system that is not based on a recipe database (like many other meal planners) but can link to our own recipe and foods.
    3. Ability to identify key elements to be tracked at a glance (e.g. total protein intake, total cals etc.).


  • @Solid_Guy54 have you checked out diary groups yet? This may suit your needs currently as well! Learn more about setting up diary groups here:

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  • I think what I would like to request is at the very least similar to what Bear suggested. I would like plan my food/meals for the coming week or two or maybe even a month so that I can see if I am hitting my calorie/nutritional goals. Almost like a "potential diary" or something like that. One of the many reasons I would like to see this is if I schedule out a really good week, I can use that week over and over several times a year. If you want me to elaborate I can! Just let me know.


  • I'd love to see Cronometer add this. I already use Cronometer for tracking and I need to start preplanning meals, and really don't want to use yet another app. I'm also very frustrated by the meal planning app options out there—either they try to tell you what to eat, or they don't include much nutrition info.

    The current workarounds get us most of the way there, though awkwardly, which hopefully means this feature is close. New features:

    • Ability to group Recipes and Ingredients into saved Meals (we would do this with a nested Recipe today)
    • Ability to assign Meals, Recipes and Ingredients to days, with nutrient tallies by day. *
    • When logging food on a day with a Meal Plan, can easily move a food from the plan to the diary. Until that is done, nutrition for the planned meals is kept separate from the diary. Right now this has to be done in a cumbersome manual way. This is the biggest gap in the workaround.

    There probably would need to be some extra features to allow for changes, such as if you ended up modifying the recipe from what you intended. But just a few tweaks would get us most of the way there. Thank you!

  • Thanks for these solid ideas Lisawww! I have passed them along to our design team.


    Karen Stark
    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

  • I think this would be VERY useful as well. I currently add a bunch of items to my diary to see how the macros work out. Then I delete things as I decide against them.

  • I would also like to see this. I am still knew to the app but I need to plan out my meals for the week to help me stay on track and grocery shop.

  • I'd like to see a planning option as well.

  • edited March 2020

    Is this something that Cronometer is currently working on, or a 'one day' kind of thing?

    I've stopped using the app as it's so time consuming to plan by adding to the diary, deleting, adding again (like @whteglve) - that I lose the momentum to actually use the app.

    Do you have an ETA?

  • edited March 2020

    One challenge with the current time stamp feature is that the time stamp travels with the item when copying to another day.

    So when I copy today’s planned food from the previous day, I get yesterday’s time stamps. I then have to go in and manually unstamp each item to get ready for the new day.

    This isn’t practical and makes the current time stamp design unusable for me.

    Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

  • @Sicahjes When I add items to figure out what I can have as a meal. I adjust the amount to zero so I don't delete it until I know for sure that I'm not going to eat it that day or meal. I do this because I've added a deleted a couple of things more than I want to admit. lol

  • I'm not sure how to explain this but I'll try.
    Say I have added 50 items to my favorites list. I plan to use these items to prepare meals for 3-5 days. Now, I go to my favorites list and i check-mark 3 items. At the bottom of the screen appears a tap that says review items. When you click it, it just shows the items you chose with no additional information! Would it be possible to have a summary of micros and calories for the chosen items at this stage? This would be very helpful to simulate the meal and see if it fits the calories and micros one is looking for. In fact it could be used to simulate the entire day's calories and micros.

  • Hi

    Yes, chronometer definitely needs a meal plan builder, as a Nutritionist it is very hard to make a meal plan.
    I also suggest METS for the calculation of sporty people, I know you can customize that but you need to do calculations out of the software.
    Do you know roughly when the meal plan builder is going to be ready ?


  • Nothing to report right now @Sicahjes

    Karen Stark
    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

  • This would be an awesome feature to have. At present, I plan my meals/macros for the week in a spreadsheet which is fairly tedious and I haven't been able to find any good apps out there that do what I want. Being able to use all the food data and the recipes I've created in cronometer to plan my meals for the week would be a massive time saver and would certainly save me the frustration of re-entering all the data into spreadsheets. Thanks for an incredible app, hopefully, this feature is on the roadmap!

  • edited January 2021

    @scottishfruit this is a perfect explanation for why this would be such a great feature to have.

    However, I honestly don't think it will happen. In 2019 they said that "We actually do have plans to hopefully implement something like this" with a request for more information from users on how they'd like this to work. It seemed really promising. A few months later I posted asking if there was an ETA as I figured if it was planned there would be a roadmap, but that post was ignored. Then in Dec 2020 (when I asked again) they said that there's nothing to report.

    This is really disappointing, like you I haven't been able to find an alternative (plus, I'm paying for Gold) and working across multiple platforms is tedious.

  • One more vote for this! Love Cronometer, it's the best I've found so far for calorie & macro tracking, and I've tried a lot of options. Love Paprika for recipe management, meal planning and grocery shopping. Hate having to use two separate apps and keep everything synced manually. Especially in these pandemic times there's a huge value to being able to get in and out of the store as quickly as possible, which means weekly meal plan ingredients consolidated and sorted by aisle. Make it happen & make my day! :)

  • Definitely think cronometer + Paprika would be fantastic together!

  • Adding a vote for the ability to create Daily Meal Plans -
    can be implemented quite similarly to recipe building I think...
    Saving custom meal plans with a name that you can then choose to use on a given day - initiating all the data from the meal plan to upload to your daily tracker...
    which could then be modified in the tracker as usual if needed as the day goes on...
    I know this can be done by copying a day... but but scrolling back to which day to copy can be difficult... and then if it was a not a perfectly implemented day - there would be additional modifications that would not be needed if imported from a custom meal plan section...

  • Chiming in to voice my support for meal planning such that I could generate a grocery list, and requesting an update to this thread, from Chronometer - thank you!

  • Still no meal planner? Seems at this point it should be standard for most tracking apps.

  • Hi, as far as a can see , theres still no meal planner ? im a Dietician, using the trail, but struggling to see where the value is without one?

  • I just posted about this idea in a new feature request thread! I think that this is the single most important feature that cronometer could add, and also (from a business perspective) the ideal "carrot" for the gold plan. pretty simple: free = tracking, paid = tracking + planning.


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