
Another food blog?

I am currently a vegan with a soy allergy. I've been vegan for maybe 6 years now. I have always loved to bake and I love food (if I didn't I might not be here), so I have transitioned my recipes to be vegan.

My doctor's have very recently found out that I have a gluten intolerance also and I am supposed to be starting the process to be tested for Celiac's.

I understand that it is a very nitch diet, but I was wondering if anyone would be interested about me retesting and transitioning all my foods, kitchen, and recipes to allergy free?

Or are food blogs just dead now floating around in cyber space?


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    I think an allergy-friendly vegan recipe site is a fantastic idea! Many people with allergies avoid eating plant-based as they feel it would be too restrictive. If you can show ways to follow this pattern, even with allergies, you could inspire others!

    Susan Macfarlane, MScA, RD
    Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
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    Food blogs definitely are not dead.

    I browse on reddit a lot – r/HealthyFood, r/1200isplenty, r/1500isplenty, r/LowCarb, and others – and many people share great recipes from food blogs in those communities.

    I think you should go for it!!! Even share some on online communities like r/Vegan!

    Congrats on 6 years of vegan, by the way. My sister is vegan for ethical reasons, and it looks very difficult from an outsider looking in.

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