Android Widget

It would really be great to have a quick overview widget that, at the very minimium, shows my day's calorie counts and macros, with an 'add' option so I don't have to track down the app.

I use full-screen widgets for several apps as part of my productivity workflow and would love to have Cronometer looped right into this process so I can't miss it.


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  • Hello @flyscotsman,

    Thanks for the suggestion! I'll make sure that it's on our to-do list :smiley:


    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

  • It's been a year since this response and still no widget. How's that to-do list coming along?

  • Ever-growing! We get so many great ideas from our users :)
    I'll add your vote to the Android widget.


    Karen Stark
    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

  • Also would love to vote for this, sounds extremely handy!

  • I don’t even know how this is still on the to do list when every other app calorie counting app has this, this app is so behind on basic features that I don’t even know how it has managed to survive they are not competitive.


  • Looks like this has been a requested feature for years. This is the only thing this app is missing. Honestly, how much does something like this cost in time and money to make that it can't be done in several year's time? How can we help? Do you need ideas? Graphics? A handy programmer? If you ask I can guarantee someone is out here that can help.

  • This is not the only thing this app is missing there are a lot of others features it’s lacking that other apps have.


  • Yet another vote for the macros android widget.
    Plus, would be great if the widget could also display time passed since the last logged meal (great for those of us practicing intermittent fasting)

  • edited January 2021

    Honestly, how much does something like this cost in time and money to make that it can't be done in several year's time?

    This isn't a simple feature (I'm a software engineer). But even if it were easy to implement (say in a couple hours), and even if it would save users lots of time (like this feature - 1 hour to implement saving the userbase collectively 3 thousand days every day), that doesn't mean it would get prioritized. But if the feature involves attracting new users (e.g. a redesigned splash screen), then yes. We just don't know the team's priorities.

  • This is a feature that literally every other calorie counting app has this feature and it’s something that’s been requested for years along with many other features.


  • @fitgirl: I agree that some features offer far more bang for the buck than others. l also have no idea how the team prioritizes, and I asked, but the process isn't transparent.

  • To be honest I didn’t think the prioritize very well, if a feature that’s been asked by many users for many years and is now pretty much a standards feature all other apps have then that tells users a lot.


  • edited January 2021

    To be honest I didn’t think [they] prioritize very well

    Sadly, I agree, to be honest. For example, "Paste to Today" is very easy to implement (couple hours tops), has been requested two years ago, and it's still not implemented. But I'm new to the app. Maybe it has implemented other valuable features since Feb 2019?

  • Not really to be honest, the only Valuable feature they implemented was fasting.


  • Suggestions are wonderful. Though pointing out features other apps have can be a dis-service to all apps. You'll ALWAYS find something you would like in one app, that's not in another. Chronometer has an abundance of features that are great.

    Stop looking at the grass on the other side. Else, the option to simply go to the other side is waiting for you so you'll be happy.

  • @Cordell: How exactly is pointing out features that other apps have, a disservice to all apps? I really don't follow that argument.

    You'll ALWAYS find something you would like in one app, that's not in another.

    Is this a psychological argument, to feel fine even though Cronometer hasn't implemented some really low-hanging fruit features like Paste to Today?

    Chronometer has an abundance of features that are great.

    ... ok? Is that an argument for Cronometer to not implement another feature? Or an argument for the user to "accept they things they can't change"?

  • " Or an argument for the user to "accept the things they can't change"?"

    I like that statement. ... Because it's what many people do. If everyone had the same ideas there would be no such thing as geniuses.

    Not having this widget thing is very dissapiinting and annoying. It also needs to function as a one touch to barcode scan. Even the lame my fitness pal has that.

  • Hey gang, been about two years so I thought I'd check in and see how the widget is coming.


  • We've started some work on this project. I've only seen some mock-ups but it's looking great!

    Karen Stark
    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

  • any updates on this? this being a widget with calories and macros progress with an add button. Preferably the macros progress is in grams and/or percent of day's targets.


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