TrainingPeaks status?
Yes, please. Your user base would explode if you did it. MFP is horrible but everyone uses it because it syncs with TP.
A little early as its only been 2 years and 6 months since my last post (scroll up). I did say I'd wait 3 years, but still no Training Peaks integration, so thats 5 1/2 years I've been monitoring this thread. Guess its safe to say not going to happen. See y'all in 3 years or 2 and a bit
@Karen_Cronometer Is there at least a ticket open on your side that you look at from time to time and decide not to tackle, or should we just give up on the dream?
@deano you are right. I will come back in six months.
@Karen_Cronometer I want to use your product and know dozens of people who would as well. I'm a cycling coach and brand ambassador in the cycling community, I'd hype you up so hard if you worked with training peaks.
In case no one has mentioned it, if you can get the Garmin integration working to send calories and macros TO garmin Connect, you should also automatically get TrainingPeaks integration, because the link from Garmin to TP is already there. you literally get 2 for the price of 1. There are of course a small number of athletes who use TP who don't use Garmin connect, but its the minority. Given you already have the link in place to take Calorie burn data and workouts FROM GC, it feels like this should be the easiest route to deliver on both asks?
+1 to add integration with Training Peaks.
+1 to have Training Peaks (TP) integration!
It will elevate Cronometer usage and brand recognition to pro and avid athletes. Big shame that MFP has this and not Cronometer.TriainingPeak API is available -
Some product features with this integration is viewing how nutrition can impact a workout or event performance, as well pull in all the various workout data of from TrainingPeak > Cronometer to understand calorie burn rate from workout and identify which Macro or Micro nutrient can help improve performance and health.
Please prioritize this feature ASAP!
Came here to say I created a Cronometer account because I'm looking for a MFP alternative, but TP or Garmin integration is a dealbreaker. I will have to stick to MFP until there is a viable alternative. TP is a no-brainer as the API is openly available. Why wouldn't you add this?
I use Training Peaks as an aggregator for all my fitness data.
+1 for TP integration. Many other tracking apps have completed this work now, beyond MFP. Why is Cronometer still not done? Come on, please!
I would like this too please 😃