

This vitamin can be stored in the liver for years
So why after taking a supplement that pumped my levels (40 000%)
On the next day : it's at ZERO
Thank you



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    B12 is only found in animal products, so if you are eating a vegan diet (or mostly vegan diet), your daily B12 intake will be at 0%.

    To make sure your B12 status is still in the target range, I suggest following up with your physician for blood work. He/she can let you know if your diet/supplement is meeting your needs.

    Let us know if this answers your question!

    Susan Macfarlane, MScA, RD
    Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

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    A couple of grams of Chlorella will give you all the B12 you need, no need for supplements

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    Two words: Nutritional yeast!

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    This is a very confusing thread and I'm not completely sure what the original poster's intention/question is. I'm guessing he didn't like to be "told off" for having a value at 0% the next day, even though he thinks it's completely healthy/acceptable?

    If I interpreted this correctly, then I'd suggest for him to focus on Nutrition Report under the Trends tab instead of individual daily record.

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    Thank you all for your answers, sorry for the approximation of my question,

    I meant that as B12 is stored for some time (not just a day) in the liver, the next day shouldn't it already be up?

    1000 µg of B12 (methylcobalamin) is contained in just one small supplement. And we need 2,4 µg per day. When you get your B12 levels tested you are supposed to have between 187 to 771 of µg.
    One supplement a week is usually advocated. so it should stay up for some time no?

    Ahh as I am typing I am starting to understand why my question is a bit useless.
    I just understood that the indicator I was looking at is only the day to day recommandation and not really made for vegans ! its perfect and a great tool, and when I happened to eat something containing some B12 I like that it go up a bit even tho I should be looking at the nutrition report for more accurate info !

    Thank you Vickie, the NUTRITION REPORT it's exactly what I was looking for !

    Thank you all

    Sorry for my english


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    Glad this was figured out!

    One quick note on plant-based sources of B12...

    Although chlorella contains B12, it's actually in an inactive form (known as a B12 analogue). This means it looks like B12, but doesn't actually function like the vitamin and studies have found that deficiency can still occur. However, because it can make levels falsely elevated, a blood test doesn't always pick this up.

    Regarding nutritional yeast, it has to be fortified to contain B12 (Bulk Barn carries both fortified and non-fortified nutritional yeast). The B12 found in the nutritional yeast can be destroyed by light, so I suggest keeping it in your freezer or somewhere dark.

    In general, I advise all vegans to take a B12 supplement since the outcomes of deficiency can be irreversible. The larger the dose, the less frequently you need to take it. So if you are supplementing with 1000+ mcg, you only need to supplement 1-2x per week (unless you have trouble absorbing the nutrient).

    Hope this sheds some more light on B12!

    Susan Macfarlane, MScA, RD
    Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

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