
Database Lacking Biotin Data Consistently

I've tried including beef liver, oats, almonds, sunflower seeds in big quantities in my diary, yet the only food that increases biotin percentage is whole eggs ~ 9mcg/medium egg which is correct. In past biotin was showing up as 0% even for eggs so i thought was unimportant, now biotin shows up as yellow so it got my attention. So is this some kind of database problem ?


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    I know there's no data in the USDA db, not sure about the fancy new NCCDB though....that's why i decided to supp for it...

    I am an amateur. I've been using CRON-O-Meter for 10 years and counting, still learning.....

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    i would add, that i wish there was data for it, because without my supp. i get bad millia, and it'd be nice to know where i could get enough from food

    I am an amateur. I've been using CRON-O-Meter for 10 years and counting, still learning.....

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    Yes, missing that data too. There is quite a bit in soy beans (60,mcg in 100g of beans), peanuts and others, Easy to get enough from food.

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    Some nutrients such as biotin are not visible by default as they are not generally available from our nutrition data sources. Since there is very little data for these nutrients in our database (Including NCCDB and USDA), your tracked values may be significantly lower than they actually are.

    However, if you still wish to track them, settings can be changed by following these steps:

    1) Select the 'Profile' Tab

    2) In the 'Nutrient Targets' section, and find the nutrient

    3) Select the ''Visible'' check box next to the nutrient

    Ensure you are using data sources with the most comprehensive data (NCCDB and USDA). I can confirm that the NCCDB listing for eggs does include Biotin.

    When we have data from one of our trusted sources we will certainly add it, but unfortunately at this time, some data for some nutrients is not available.

    Check out this blog post for tips on how best to choose data for your needs: https://cronometer.com/blog/6-tips-getting-nutrition-data/

    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

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    Thank you so much for coming back to my comment, Hilary! I checked and I had already ticked the box and even entered a custom value. So I added a " raw egg" to my diary but still nothing shows up.

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    Hi @tester
    Try NCCDB food "Eggs, Cooked" (Food #464674)

    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

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    edited January 2019

    Thank you Hilary, it showed up , also saw the bit in bananas. But then A LOT of data for fresh fruit & produce like sun flower seeds with 44mcg/100g (!).nuts, legumes (!) etc. are missing...

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    When we have enough valid data available for any nutrient we do not currently track we will add it as an option. Unfortunately, we don't have the data for Biotin from our primary sources for our database. We do not analyse nutrients here at Cronometer, therefore we must rely upon these sources for our database.

    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

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