
Logging activity

Hello. I have a question on how to track activity correctly. I currently have a very sedentary lifestyle as the result of coming home for winter break, but I try to get out and walk a couple of miles once or twice a day. Since I get next to 0 steps in during the time I spend at home, should I log my activity level as 'sedentary' when my total steps amount to 5000 or less? Or should I set my activity level as sedentary and add activity on top of that? Or should I set my activity level to be my BMR and log activity on top of that?
I am a 5'4 female if this helps.

Thank you immensely for your trouble.


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    edited January 2019

    Cronometer does not track exercise by steps currently. If you are using an activity tracker, it may be beneficial to sync your wearable device to Cronometer - you can view a list of our supported devices here: https://cronometer.com/#profile
    To enter your exercise, you have a couple of options. Make sure you have set the appropriate activity level to account for your exercise tracking:
    You can set your activity level on your profile tab based on how you would like to track your activity. You can do this a couple of ways. You can:

    • Estimate your activity level and exercise: Choose the most appropriate level that we have listed for ALL your daily activities
    • Log your activity level separately: Use our activity library to manually log the exercise you do by selecting the "Add Exercise" button at the top of the diary. (https://cronometer.com/help/diary/#exercises)
    • Use an activity tracker: This is the most accurate and arguably the easiest way to log your activity. Sync your wearable activity tracker to Cronometer in the profile tab of your account (Scroll down to devices) to view the different types of wearables that we support. If you wear your device all day, set your activity level to "None" as your device will import the appropriate number of calories for daily burned and separate activities. If you only wear your device for exercising, set your activity level to "Sedentary".

    Learn more about setting your activity level here:

    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

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