GKI biomarker?

I can add my own GKI metric, but I think it would be really useful that when you enter both glucose and a ketone reading at the same approximate time that a 3rd metric (the GKI )
would be calculated and added in as a 3rd biomarker.

Even better would be one place to enter both the ketone and glucose readings and then the GKI would appear in an all in one GKI biometric rather than being displayed as 3 separate readings.
It would however retain and display the BHB and glucose readings used to calculate it.

I am still pining for being able to add comments to any and all biometrics. They are muc more trouble and much less useful without an attached comment IMHO.


Thanks In advance

Joe Tittiger
Seymour MO
joe ATT Tittiger DOTT com


  • Hello @tittiger ,

    We updated our charts last week and now include a GKI chart!

    You can learn more about our new charts here: https://cronometer.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360029490111

    You can learn more about the GKI chart here: https://cronometer.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360029181332

    Please let me know if you have any questions!


    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

  • Thanks Marie Eve

    Joe Tittiger
    Seymour MO
    joe ATT Tittiger DOTT com

  • tittiger
    edited July 2019

    I was just there and it is buggy..... Today's ketone reading of 3.2 mmo/L is outright missing. It says that my glucose was 5.439 mmo/l and since I don't have the conversion in my head I do not know if that is the same as 93 mg/dL. I do not like the glucose reading being shown with units that are different than the ones that I used to record the data.
    The GKI calculation can be done using the correct GKI units without showing them to me.

    From my first exposure to this feature it is obtuse, and confusing, and at this point not usable. I hope this is fixed along with the glucose units flipping before the team moves on to another bug laden feature.

    As long as the glucose units flip the GKI numbers are also going to be in error.


    Joe Tittiger
    Seymour MO
    joe ATT Tittiger DOTT com

  • Hello @tittiger ,

    Thanks for getting back to us with feedback so quickly!

    In the mobile app, you can change the units by first tapping on the chart. Then scroll down to view options, like changing the units and time range!

    On the website, you can change the units using the drop down menu at the top of the chart.

    Please email us at support@cronometer.com with screenshots of your ketone and glucose entries entered in your diary and the GKI shart that you are seeing!


    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

  • Thanks Marie I will investigate further when I get the time. :-)

    Thanks for making me aware that we can finally attach images.
    I will certainly avail myself of this useful clarifying feature.

    Still can not see the ketone reading that was taken at the same time that the glucose reading was. Looks like that bug is still there.

    FWIW I am logged out AGAIN....after less than an hour after I had just logged in...

    Have a great day.

    Joe Tittiger
    Seymour MO
    joe ATT Tittiger DOTT com