Mercola continues to be a clown and a hypocrit
Went to sign in at:
It seems that like many of us Mercola (is finally) fed up with the censorship at Face Book and is leaving. Ironic though that my main account at his site is banned. No explanation. No appeal process, not way to contact them at all and see why in Gods name they are banning and censoring people, with no due process and they have the unmitigated nerve to complain about Facebook do the same to him.
Mercola is not the first that I have called out on this type of behavior. Of all places I had the same experience with InfoWars.
Something is very wrong with our society when we ban peoples speech merely because we disagree or don't like it. That IMHO is the speech that most needs to be protected.
Here is a screen shot of the banning of my account by Mercola's people: (who IMHO don't seem to be very good at what they do across the board):
Joe Tittiger
Seymour MO
joe ATT Tittiger DOTT com
I posted my side of the story on the Mercola site under a different name (which shows you how this banning does not work at all on most sites) and I just got this response from his staff:
Good Morning,
My name is Taylor, I am with Mercola Customer Service. I am reaching out regarding the comment made on our recent article about Facebook. It was mentioned that this account has been banned, however, after reviewing the account I have confirmed this account is still in good standing. Was there another account prior that had been banned on from making comments on our articles? I would be more than happy to investigate if you would like to provide an email address or username.
Have a happy and healthy day,
Like I said his staff is mostly clueless. He thought that I was posting from the "banned" account".
JoeJoe Tittiger
Seymour MO
joe ATT Tittiger DOTT com -
FWIW the editor here has gone off the deep end. I did not do any of the formatting on the above post and I even tried to remove it by pasting "plain text"
Joe Tittiger
Seymour MO
joe ATT Tittiger DOTT com -
Why on Earth are you posting all of this on the Success page? Doesn't sound like a success but a gripe with Mercola which really is between you and Mercola.
Dragon since you are in charge here why don't you just move it to the proper category?
Most all forum software allows admins to do so.... my installs of SMF certainly do.
Or if there is not a proper category why don't you just create the proper category. My hands are tied in this respect.
Oh and BTW if you can provide me with Mercola's personal email I would be more than happy to address him with this complaint directly along with 10 or 15 other complaints I have about his crappy products.
But you know what? I don't have his personal email, and the clown even has tried to keep me from posting on his articles as I have described above. I guess I should just shut up and be quiet as Mercola would hope.
Joe Tittiger
Seymour MO
joe ATT Tittiger DOTT com